Artists and Designers

Zapotec / Mexico/USA
The Zapotec Weavers
We are the Gutiérrez family, a family of third-generation Zapotec weavers, and this is our story. It all started with Pedro and Margarita Gutiérrez, both passionate weavers who worked together as a team to set the example for their children and the future generations. Pedro Gutiérrez was a full-time weaver and businessman who traveled to sell his rugs. His favorite place to travel was Merida, Yucatán, where he owned a store. Margarita Martinez was a loving and supportive wife to Pedro, and mother to seven children. Her role in the weaving industry was to wash the wool, dye the wool, make the skeins, clean rugs, and complete the rugs by making the tassel ends. Margarita and Pedro were hardworking individuals who wove for a living to sustain their family. Making ends meet in the ’70s wasn’t easy, so Pedro and Margarita dedicated their lives to weaving for them to bring food to the table. Later, Pedro’s work started to get recognized due to his ability to weave without having to draw on the strings, as many weavers draw on the strings currently. He would be able to weave exuberant drawings and intricate designs. His favorite designs to weave were what they called “ídolos,” also known as Aztec/Zapotec idols, which are found in codices and temples. Today, all of their children are successful master weavers and they are here to continue the legacy of their parents and ancestors.