Artists and Designers

Wolastoqiyik Wahsipekuk First Nation (formerly Maliseet of Viger First Nation) /
Nisnipawset Beadwork
Kateri Aubin Dubois is a member of the Wolastoqiyik Wahsipekuk. NISNIPAWSET is her indigenous name which she cherishes as she received it in a traditional ceremony honored by her people. In her language, her name means Two Moons. An internationally renowned jeweler and artisan, her jewelry can be found in Canada, in the United States, as well as in Europe and Australia. She creates unique jewelry using traditional techniques such as Peyote stitch and Two-needle flat stitch. She is motivated and inspired by her Wolastoqey origins to create her own patterns inspired by floral and double-curve motifs that make her unique brand NISNIPAWSET! All of her jewelry is handmade with high quality and hypoallergenic materials. Always on the lookout for new trends to create beautiful jewelry, she is constantly evolving in her quest to surpass herself professionally and put her talent to the test. She hopes, one day, to have her own gallery-boutique, to share her knowledge with future generations