
Maskîkow (Swampy Cree) /
Mandee McDonald
Mandee McDonald (Maskîkow) is a hide tanner, workshop facilitator, and a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Native Studies at the University of Alberta, where her work focuses on Indigenous governance and land-based learning.
She is a co-founder and the Hide Camp Director for Dene Nahjo, an Indigenous arts and innovation collective that fosters Indigenous leadership skills and values through community-based programming. She is also one of the founding Steering Committee members and a Facilitator for Supporting Well-Being, a training program designed to provide culturally relevant mental health response training for land-based programmers in Northern communities.
Mandee was born at Mántéwisipihk (Churchill, MB). She is a member of York Factory First Nation, and grew up in Sǫ̀mbak’è (Yellowknife) where she still lives.