Artists and Designers

Ojibwe /
Mooz Ikwewag
The DNA of Mooz Ikwewag is home-tanned, smoked moose hide. Mooz Ikwewag will showcase the beauty and versatility of smoked hide through one-of-a-kind, wearable pieces made by the two artists, Meagan Anishinabie and Kanina Terry. Through Mooz Ikwewag, Meagan and Kanina bring together decades of experience creating, a love of being on the land and an appreciation for the animals they share it with, and their passion for culture and fashion.
Mooz Ikwewag will sell a variety of items, from mukluks, to jewellery, to embellished clothing, and possibly tanned hide. A majority of the handmade items will feature smoked hide that the artists tanned themselves. Even though smoked hide is highly sought after by Indigenous artists, there are not many Indigenous hide tanners. Being artists that tan hides and make items from the tanned hide positions Mooz Ikwewag in a small, desired market. Tanning and sewing with hide is “slow fashion” at its finest.
Mooz Ikwewag customers can rest assured that they are purchasing quality handmade or embellished items – pieces made to will last generations. The smoked hide is from animals that were sustainably harvested and tanned without the use of chemicals. The embellished clothing will either be curated, secondhand clothing or from clothing made in Canada.
Meagan and Kanina put a lot of time and care into the hides they tan, as well as the items they make from it. They feel good using the hide of the animals that are harvested to feed their families, like their ancestors before them did. Meagan, Oji-cree from Sandy Lake First Nation, learned to sew from her Kookom and continues to make clothing like her Kookom with a contemporary flair. Kanina, Ojibwe from Lac Seul First Nation, likes to “Nish” up everything she wears and enjoys making items others can wear to Nish-up their wardrobe. The two artists have unique, yet complimentary, styles and look forward to sharing that at IFAF 2024.