
Mohawk, Six Nations of the Grand River /
Cynthia Lickers-Sage
Cynthia Lickers-Sage [Kanienkeha:ka] is a proud recipient of the Governor-General of Canada’s Meritorious Service Cross. Following her graduation at the Ontario College of Art and Design, she Co-Founded The Centre for Aboriginal Media, imagineNATIVE Film and Media Arts Festival, Tkaronto Music Festival, Tkaronto Productions and is the sole proprietor of Clickers Productions.
She has spent the last two decades working in the not-for-profit arts sector as the former Executive Director at the Association for Native Development in the Performing and Visual Arts, and the General Manager at Kaha:wi Dance Theatre where she gained valuable skills to take on her current position as the Executive Director at the Indigenous Performing Arts Alliance. She has also worked within the governmental sector at the Ontario Arts Council (Acting Aboriginal Arts Officer & Community and Multidisciplinary Arts Officer) and the Canada Council for the Arts (Flying Eagle Coordinator) and Ontario Presents (Fresh Start Officer).