
Ngāti Ruanui - Aotearoa New Zealand /
Dr. Bobby Luke, of Ngati Ruanui and Taranaki descent, blends academic research with creative practice to promote Kaupapa Māori-led design and challenge Western design norms. Through his brand, Campbell Luke, he visually expresses and shares his research using fashion, moving image, and photography.
Latest Collection

He Oranga Ngākau, He Pikinga Wairua
A Collection by:
He Oranga Ngākau, He Pikinga Wairua explores themes of well-being and cultural revival, drawing inspiration from “Ora: Healing Ourselves” by Linda Tuhiwai Smith and Leonie Pihama. The collection reclaims and Indigenizes colonial clothing in three narratives that reflect traditional cosmologies: from darkness symbolizing potential, to light representing fruition, and ultimately, a celebration of life.