
Andayah Laramee
Hair and Makeup Set Supervisor
Andayah Laramee is an interdisciplinary artist who approaches their craft through their Cree and Ghanaian heritage. Andayah’s first contact with their indigenous, artistic roots occurred in Niji Mahkwa Elementary school. Since then, their early years were beaded with a love of drawing, painting, and sculpting. Andayah earned the Complete Makeup Artist Diploma from the College of Makeup, Art, and Design. The school professionally trained Andayah in a full suit of skills related to the entertainment and fashion industry: crafting silicone and latex prosthetics; creature design; hair styling; makeup for film, television, theater, and fashion. More recently, Andayah completed the Tattoo Fundamentals program from the Toronto Tattoo School. Andayah has attempted to turn these skills towards the benefit of the Native and African American creative industries by taking positions on black and indigenous projects whenever possible. To date, Andayah’s credits as an assistant or a lead makeup artist include such Native or African American films, performances, and fashion shows as Face It (2018), Outside Looking In (2018), Carnation (in production), Running Home (in production), and the Toronto Indigenous Fashion Show (2018, 2020).