Medicine Harvest

Featured in: From This Ground We Grow

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This collection of Ponchos are the imaginings of what one might wear while harvesting traditional medicines, particularly those used by the Gwich’in people of the far north, Naomi’s First Nation. Naomi designed this traditional garment with her knowledge of indigenous horticulture, to allow hands-free movement whilst harvesting and gathering from the land. 

Each poncho has specific functional qualities to assist in the collecting and transportation of traditional medicines. Naomi has integrated elements into each poncho, such as three bison horn rings in the ‘Willow’ poncho. Attached by strands of home tanned moose hide, the hide binds around the willow bundles for ease of carrying. As a trained silversmith, Naomi also incorporates traditional materials with contemporary techniques.

This collection was a grounding experience for Naomi, opening the way to reconnect artist to land.